@wr!Lc!L£R f@n
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@wr!Lc!L£R f@n

@wr!Lc!L£R f@n
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Avril Lavigne - Falling Down

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Kayıt tarihi : 25/01/09
Mesaj Sayısı : 168
Lakap : Rep Puanı: 1168
Avril Lavigne - Falling Down Vide
MesajKonu: Avril Lavigne - Falling Down Avril Lavigne - Falling Down EmptySalı Ocak 27, 2009 4:47 pm

If fears what makes us decide,
Our future journey,
I'm not along for the ride,
Cuz I'm still yearning,
To try and touch the sun,
My fingers burning,
Before you're old you are young,
Yeah I'm still learning

I am falling down,
Try and stop me,
It feels so good to hit the ground,
You can watch me,
Fallin on my face,
It's an uphill human race,
and I am falling down
I'm standing out in the street,
The earth is moving,
I feel it under my feet,
And I'm still proveing,
That I can stand my ground,
And my feet are there, haven't washed my hair
Too be lost before you are found,
Don't mean you are losing


Some day I'll live in a house
Etc., etc., etc.
Don't you know that's not for now
and for now I'm falling
Yeah e Yeah..Yeah e Yeah,


I'm falling down,
I'm faLling down..I'm falling down...
I'm falling....
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Avril Lavigne - Falling Down

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